March 25th, 2012

10:03 pm
[info]gay_and_green: Avengers Tower

Teddy felt the sweat pour down his washboard abs as he groaned upwards into the 200 pound barbell he was fighting against. After a hard training session nothing felt better than gradually cooling down with a light workout... Well, "light" for Hulkling. God his muscles were tired though. The training had been brutal, post-apocalyptic scenario prep stuff. The kind of thing where if you weren't watching just the simulations could beat the living shit out of you. Just one more, he thought... Just the one... Slamming the barbell into the rack with enough force to almost crack the iron Teddy brought the bar into the bench and nipped up to grab the towel, his thick cock bouncing in his loose gym shorts and his pecs shimmering, tight and firm from the constant punishment. With a tremendous yawn and a stretch he looked around rather satisfied and relaxed and tried to find a sweatshirt. Not finding one he decided on a shower and wandered off to find a free stall in the adjacent locker room area. Not seeing anybody else around he stripped off his shorts prior to entry so he could throw them in the laundry basket outside the locker room door and then, very tired and very naked, Hulkling shouldered open the locker door and stepped inside, making his way to a shower. It immediately sensed him and turned on the water accordingly, adjusting to his preferred temperature... It paid to have Stark's brand of genius around... Mmmm... He luxuriated in the steam of the water as it cascaded through his beautiful blond curls and down his similarly hairy chest, washing the sweat away in rivulets down his incredible body. Felt so good.