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November 29th, 2008 at 9:22am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Still Frame ]

Who: Kelsey and Emma.
What: Hanging out.
Where: Emma’s bedroom.
When: Monday, June 30th, 2003 – 11:30pm
Why: Because 10 days have passed.
Rating: PG
Scene: Fade In.

Man shit was weird. Then again, that seemed to be a repeating thought since the dark baby slayer had made her way to this hotel nearing a month ago at this point. Talk about your life taking a 180. One day your carefree smoking weed, snorting blow, drinking like there’s no tomorrow and fucking whoever you feel like; the next your taking classes, actually bothering to read shit, only fucking one person and not doing any drugs – along with being very confused on a regular basis. It was all very… weird. Just like that blond chick she had run into earlier. ‘Belle was her name. At least it was cool to talk about Aerosmith.’ Fingertips danced along the spine of the book as eyes didn’t really take in any of the material though she was desperately trying to focus on reading. Shifting positions the tough girl arranged a couple pillows and pressed back against them as she leaned against the wall with knees pulled up towards her chest. Resting the book on her thighs eyes continued to search the pages though hardly anything then the occasional picture was sinking in too deep. Thoughts wondered further away from the subject matter in the book as they drifted back to her talk with Katherine the week before. Katherine had said that four letter “L” word and… had Emma used it?... That part was still foggy in her memory… It was possible… Though it was also possible Kel had just been hearing things… But she hadn’t been high, or delusional, or injured… She had been really fucking tired though.

A flustered huff of air was given from the slayer as eyes stopped moving over the page though they continued to stare blankly at it and thoughts started to become heavy with confusion and frustration. Thus far Kel had kept quiet about the interaction with Katherine, not because it was some huge secret, but because she wanted to try to figure things out on her own; it was all confusing and worrisome and liberating and… odd… all at once. Something inside of her suddenly felt a lot more free, though at the same instance very weighed down with all of this new information on what could be happening to her. It was strange all the little new random things in the room made the room feel smaller somehow and in some weird way it grated on her nerves. Not only was she losing her emotional and mental space to a mess of confusing issues and complications, now the physical of space of Emma’s room was being lessened. Not by much really, but it was more things to deal with regardless. She could always go back to her room, though her own things being thrown this way and the other probably would have grated on her nerves a lot more, though at least it would have been her own things then and she could do as she pleased with them; unlike now.

An ocean of emotion baby and I just want to sail back to you. )

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