Friday, November 1st, 2013


Hi guys!

Sorry for the delay in posting this. IJ has been down all morning which is why the daily events page has only just been updated. As you might notice, the events listed cover the next few days. This is because, after taking your comments on board and thinking it over, I've decided that updating the page every Monday with a full week of events will be easier for me and more beneficial for everybody. House points and the weather forecast will also be changed every Monday, so please keep an eye on it!

There will also be an opportunity to put forward your characters for various events over the week. If you see an event you'd like to claim, please reply to the daily events page with the available number and which of your characters you'd like to claim the spot. This will begin from Monday's events onwards. Please also remember that lottery scenes begin this month; another mod post detailing what lottery scenes entail, as well as the scenes themselves, will be posted on Wednesday.

Finally, due to an error on my part, the Quiddich schedule has been altered slightly. Instead of Ravenclaw and Slytherin playing tomorrow, it will now be a Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff match. Sorry for any inconvenience!

I thiiiiiink that's all but feel free to comment here if you have any questions!
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