Dec. 8th, 2011


who; Marcus Flint & Lavender Brown
when; Thursday afternoon
where; Lavender's place
what; Lavender wants to talk to him
status; Closed and In Progress

what did you want to talk about? )

Nov. 27th, 2011


who; Marcus and Chris Flint
when; Sunday. An hour after this
where; The Snitch and maybe someplace else
what; They go for lunch
rating; High, because Marcus is already swearing
status; Closed and in progress

this is not a normal sibling relationship )

Nov. 15th, 2011


who ? oliver wood and marcus flint
when ? midday today (tuesday)
where ? opening of a new quidditch store in glasgow
what ? this week’s challenge where oliver and marcus get stuck together. hilarity ensues.
rating ? r for heavy swearing and unhappiness.

In general terms, Oliver really didn’t mind Marcus. What he did mind was the fact that Marcus was a twat and didn’t have a nice personality. )

Oct. 24th, 2011


Who: Lavender Brown & Marcus Flint
What: Lavender decides to surprise Marcus
Where: Back room of the Squealing Snitch
When: 10pm
Rating/Status: PG-13 / Incomplete

Happy Birthday )


Anonymous Owl to Marcus Flint )

Oct. 4th, 2011


who; Marcus Flint and Lavender Brown
when; Tuesday evening
where; Pub
what; Having a few drink
rating; TBA (but's Marcus and he's drinking so it might get a little high)
status; Closed and In progress

let me buy you a drink )