21 June 2008 @ 01:50 pm
I Touch Myself  
Today I was in the mood for some vids. I ran to my vid files and stopped cold. OH NO!! one of my favorite Justin vids of all time was not there! Woe, it was on my old bluescreen of death computer! So I ran to [info]tamalinn's LJ and further woe, it's locked now. Then I thought maybe it's been repixed before, I ran to the old repixed memories on LJ, and it has, um, 2 years ago, but horror! the link for this vid doesn't work! But then I saw a beacon of light...she has website, thank goodness.

I have now watched tamalinn's I Touch Myself vid 3 times. After I post this, I shall watch it again. :D It's full of season one Justin in all his awesomeness. It's hot and hilarious and an amazing ode to teh Justin. And download it, you won't be disappointed.

so click here, then scroll down to I Touch Myself, right click and save as to download trust me. you have to. this vid, like season one Justin, is made of win.
