30 January 2008 @ 01:52 pm
Stop whatever you're doing and watch this now!!!  
My good friend, and executor of my vid-muse, [info]qafmaniac has once again delivered.

Based on a conversation with [info]not_yet_defined, she had the bunny bite. So, she pulled out her bag of tricks, and...

Oh. My. God.

That's my synopsis of this vid.

It is, literally, one of the funniest and hottest vids I've ever seen.

The name of the video is Ring Of Joy, and the artist is Pansy Division. If you've not heard this song, as I hadn't, you are in for a treat. It is explicit, in your face, and hysterical as all get-out.


Please, I beg you, put down all food and beverages before watching this masterpiece.

Then, you need to go to [info]qafmaniac's LJ, and read this entry. Talk about creating a buzz!! I'm not going to spoil the surprise, but watch the vid first, then check out the post. And please leave our darling [info]qafmaniac some love, cause she deserves it. A million thanks to Ny for giving her the idea, we at Repixed are in your debt...and will be sending you the medical bills for making our stomachs ache from the laughter.

Download link here: Ring Of Joy

Enjoy! Also, if you are at work, or someplace where you can't download, the vid is posted at Youtube...for the moment. :D The link is here: Ring Of Joy at Youtube

Thanks to my beloved [info]callie89 for the pretty pic!!
Current Mood: cheerful