27 June 2008 @ 07:55 pm
One More Time!!  
Good evening!

Wrapping up the Pride Week vid-a-thon of love, I bring a fandom favorite.

This is a vid done by Kitze Productions, the duo of [info]f1renze and [info]kitkatbyte. The video is Affirmation, and it's just a wonderful, feel-good montage of our gang.

This verse seems to me to say all that needs to be said about Queer As Folk, and Pride, in and of itself.

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold

Hell, yeah.

Upbeat, danceable, full of love and Teh Love, I give you Affirmation. Scroll down the page and download from the official site.

And make sure you stop by and give [info]f1renze some love, k? She's over here.

Those of you going to Pride celebrations this weekend, be safe, have fun, and take pics!!!!