26 June 2008 @ 06:38 pm
Pride Week Classic Theatre  
Hi, all!

I apologize for being absent yesterday. I had to help sort CD's.

Don't ask.

Anyway, the second vid I wanted to rec this week is a QAF fandom classic. I don't have the words to tell you how brilliant this is, so I'm stealing them from my darling MIA bitch, [info]callie89

From 11/15/06:

Although Mia and Lidia videos are no longer available online, that is going to change. Their wonderful videos are going to have a home and I hope to be posting about that soon. But until then I have permission from them to repix. I've decided to go with Children of the Sun.

In my mind there are two kinds of videos. Videos where the vidder puts pretty scenes to the music or videos like Children of the Sun, where you try to tell the story of the song. You follow the lyrics, you understand the story. I adore this video and it never fails to give me chills whenever I watch it. I love the song Origin of Love, the energy and vibe of it. The editing is amazing and the closing shot always, always brings tears to my eyes.


Children Of The Sun, by toolunaticsnwon

I offer you the lyrics to this song.

Lyrics )

ETA: I noticed the entry was very long, so I put the lyrics under the cut.