January 2nd, 2010

[info]_alicesprings in [info]qaf_recs

Fic Rec!

Here's a nice long rec for anyone who wants to kill a few hours!

It's by lemon_barlemon_bar and it's an AU. Here's the summary: A court order has Brian on his way to a private hospital where he can learn to deal with his anger. It's not the first time he's been to one of these places and he certainly knows the drill. Liberty Hospital isn't anything like the places Brian has been before, however, and he's about to realize that in a big way.

It could have been total bad!fic, but it's actually a really engrossing well-written story! There's an abandoned sequel but the original works just fine on its own.

A Thousand Beautiful Things.

I'd LOVE to know what you think! Come back and tell me :)