QAF Pets - pets on QaF? [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

pets on QaF? [Mar. 9th, 2009|08:28 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]zortrana
2009-03-09 08:06 pm (UTC)


Well, Ethan had Wolfram...Sprite still wants to write a story where Wolfram comes to live with Justin, because Sprite doesn't trust Ethan and those strange noises he makes.

A good show with responsible pet ownership was 7th Heaven. Simon gets Happy (the dog) when she gets lost from her owner. Later, the owner shows up and I don't remember why, but Simon gets to keep her. When Simon leaves for college, Ruthie becomes Happy's main person. Happy was even in the credits and got fan mail!
There was also an episode of 7th Heaven where two of Rev. Camden's parishioners asked him to take their dog to be "put down" because they just couldn't bear to do it. (The dog was very old.) It was very sad, but Rev. Camden couldn't do it either, so he took the dog to her favorite park where she died quietly in the company of a stray dog that she played with before she got sick. Naturally, Rev. Camden took the stray to his parishoners to adopt, because this was 7th Heaven and everything worked out like that.

The dogs on Desperate Housewives are another story. They're seen once and never spoke of again. Mrs. McCluskey does have a cat, who has been lost in a tornado and kidnapped.
[User Picture]From: [info]qafcracked
2009-03-09 08:08 pm (UTC)


Lol, I forgot about Simon. Didn't he get dyed too?
[User Picture]From: [info]zortrana
2009-03-09 08:11 pm (UTC)


Yeah, I think I remember them dyeing poor Happy. LOL.
Happy was a real member of the family.