QAF Pets - Post a comment [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

More puppy drabbles in my series[Jun. 15th, 2008|05:00 pm]

Here is the next installment of my Season Five Fix It series of Puppy Drabbles, which are typed by [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) but written entirely by me. I hope you like them although this part is very sad and upsetting because Brian is being stupid emotionally stunted again. This series starts here.

The Moment
By Rebel

Brian walked over to where Justin was playing with the puppy.  He wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a bad feeling. "I thought you were taking him to the shelter."

The little black dog wriggled and got away from Justin, and tried to climb up Brian's leg. Justin scooped him back into the circle of his legs. "I was. But I decided not to." He glanced up at Brian. "I'm keeping him."

Brian just stared, and when he finally spoke, it was slowly. "Not here, you're not."

Justin looked up at him coolly. "That's entirely your call."

By Rebel

Brian sat on the sofa, drinking the latest in a long, long line of beers. The bottles were lined up on the coffee table in front of him.

Justin had gone to meet Michael. He'd put the puppy in his crate, and stood at the door before he left. "I'll be back in around three hours. And this will be the last time you have to worry about the dog." And then he left.

Brian wasn't worried about the dog. That would have required that Brian think, and Brian was very studiously working on not doing that at the moment.

Even Later

By Rebel

Brian gazed at his face in the mirror. "You're drunk," he said.

"Yes, you are," he agreed.

He left the bathroom and ignored the whimpery noises coming from the crate in the bedroom. But for some perverse, drunken reason, he instead stooped down and let the puppy out. "Go ahead, little dog," he said. "Go piss on Justin's shoes."

The puppy just sat at Brian's feet, looking up at him adoringly. "Don't bother," Brian said. "You can ask Michael. It won't work."

He got another beer, and when he got to the sofa, the puppy was sitting there, tail thumping.

Later Still
By Rebel

Brian sighed. It was the booze, he figured, making him weak. He set the puppy on his lap. "Don't think this changes anything," he said. "This loft is too small for the two of us."

Brian tipped some more beer into his mouth, and then corrected himself. "The three of us."

The puppy put his paws on Brian's chest, and licked his face. Brian looked into his eyes. The little dog's tail flew back and forth.

"Why did you have to fuck everything up?" Brian gazed at the dog for a long time, but the puppy didn't say a word.

Another Moment

By Rebel

The puppy wasn't sure why the man didn't take him outside. He did have to pee, and the man was sounding like maybe he'd fall asleep soon. He tentatively licked at his face, and the man opened his eyes.

The puppy licked him again. Then he whimpered, very loudly.

Brian sighed, and figured it wouldn't be the end of the world to find the leash and collar Justin had bought, and take the puppy out to pee. It was that or get his floors refinished, he thought. Two minutes to the corner and back was certainly less hassle than that.

Pissing and Moaning

By Rebel

Brian stood shivering in the lot halfway down the block while the puppy sniffed every blade of grass. He pulled on the leash, dragging Brian from one end of the grassy area to another. Finally, the little black dog let loose a long stream of steaming piss, a look of ecstasy on his face.

"You're a freak," Brian informed the dog. "Hurry up."

The puppy gave a little jump when he was done, and started heading home, Brian trailing behind.

When they got back to the loft, the door was open, and Justin was inside, cell phone in his hand.

Queening Out
By Rebel

Justin snapped the phone shut. "Jesus, Brian…"

Brian sneered. "What, you thought I'd take your precious little puppy out to play in traffic?" He shut the door and unsnapped the puppy's collar.

He raced over to Justin, who knelt down and petted his head. "I think I'll take him now," he said. "You're being a complete asshole."

"You're leaving me for a dog, and I'm being an asshole?"

Justin picked the puppy up. "I'm not leaving you. I'm moving out. And I'm not doing it for the dog." He picked up the leash and collar. "I'm doing it for myself."

Continued here....
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