QAF Pets - Puppy Drabble Series Update by Rebel [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

Puppy Drabble Series Update by Rebel [May. 7th, 2008|11:01 am]
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From: [info]gmta_nz
2008-05-07 02:45 pm (UTC)


Justin pretended for a minute that he was keeping him. He thought about what he'd name him, about drawing him, about how Gus would like him. He imagined walking him with Daphne, and wondered what Debbie would say, or his mom.


I hope Justin makes it clear that he's keeping the dog.

Thank you for the update, Rebel. It was well worth the wait :)
[User Picture]From: [info]hounded
2008-05-09 07:47 pm (UTC)


Dear gmta_nz,

I'm sure you can trust Justin to do what is right.

