QAF Pets - Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 1 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer as Folk didn't have enough pets. We want to fix that.

Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 1 [Dec. 20th, 2007|09:59 pm]
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[Current Location |Home Sweet Home]
[Current Mood |chipper]
[Current Music |KISS--Shout It Out Loud]

Title: Fun With Feral—Day 2, Part 1
Author: LegalMonet
Disclaimer: CowLip owns everything. I merely use the QAF Colorforms set and make my own cut-outs as I go along.
Summary: Chapter 2 of “Feral.” B/J are pet-sitting Daphne’s pet, Feral, for 3 days. Please read “Feral” first. I don’t know how to do the “linkie thing” or "cut thingee" on IJ, so just go to my Dec. 19, 2007 post on IJ before you read this. UM . . . anyone want to help me with the "cut thingee"????

The Loft—Saturday, 3:19 a.m.

scratch . . . . rattle . . . . scurry

scratch . . . . scratch . . . . scratch

rattle . . . . scurry . . . . scurry . . . . RATTLE

RATTLE . . . . SCURRY . . . . SCRATCH . . . . SCRATCH . . . . RATTLE . . . . RATTLE



Brian startled awake from his marathon fuckfest with Justin. Disoriented and slightly anxious, he listened to the weird noises in his loft, his hand pressed protectively on the small of Justin’s back. Justin mewed in his sleep and snuggled his ass closer to Brian, but did not awaken.

Then Brian remembered. OH FUCK. That THING that long skinny rat was out there in the darkness of his living room. Apparently out of the hammock, in the cage, on his Mies Van Der Rohe coffee table, in his loft, and totally freaking out.

Brian’s first instinct was to roughly shake Justin out of his blissful sleep. But Brian’s curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to take a good look at the intruder. Brian slowly slid the pillows from underneath his head and pressed them against Justin’s back and ass. Justin sighed and continued to slumber. Brian eased out of bed and pulled on his sweatpants.

Brian padded barefoot down the steps of the bedroom and realized that THE THING had stopped moving, but had started chirping. The furry little fucker sounded like Justin mewing and sighing during sex!

Brian turned on the light underneath the range in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, snapped the top, chugged deeply, and slowly approached the cage. Feral’s eyes glowed in the semi-darkness, watching Brian’s every move and chirping.

Brian went to his desk and turned on the lamp. In the light, Brian saw Feral proudly displaying his lean brown-and-tan body and black feet and handsome face. “Must be nice to spend your life in a sling,” Brian smirked out loud.

Brian’s keen intellect led him to research ferrets. If he was stuck with the furry menace for 3 days, he’d need to be fully informed. During his research, Brian saw an image of a male ferret’s perineum. “Impressive!,” Brian mused to himself, “the little fucker has some big balls.”

But then Brian read about ferrets being sensitive to cedar chips and other strong odors. OH FUCK!! Why had Justin gotten the cedar chips!! And then Brian realized it was to hide the smell of the ferret from him. Realizing that the cedar chips could harm the animal with the big balls, Brian carefully approached the cage.

“Alright, you fucking furball. Man-to-Man—I need to get this shit out of your cage,” Brian rasped, staring into Feral’s eyes. Feral chirped repeatedly and grabbed the bars of the cage in anticipation.

“Shhhhhhhh,” Brian whispered, “This is just between us.” Brian opened the cage, gently lifted Feral, and removed the tray of cedar chips.

Feral instantly calmed down, burrowing his nose in Brian’s neck.

TBC . . .

From: [info]herefordroad
2007-12-21 03:13 am (UTC)


i'm delighted to see that this is part one...because that means there will be more! that brian kinney, he so cares about that ferret...wouldn't justin be surprised. this is a fun fic. i look forward to more.

From: [info]legalmonet
2007-12-21 11:46 am (UTC)


*giggles* Brian is such a twisted, soft-hearted dork at times--that's why I love him! Oh, Justin will definitely be surprised . . . . . . . .
From: [info]metafascinating
2007-12-21 04:29 am (UTC)


Very cute! Even ferrets love Brian :)
From: [info]legalmonet
2007-12-21 11:49 am (UTC)


Ah, yes--The Kinney Charm works its magic on all creatures.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned . . .

*gaaaahhhhh* LOVE YOUR ICON!