Queer as Folk Music

April 22nd, 2009

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April 22nd, 2009

Free QAF CD!

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I came in 2nd place in the Asylum Insanity Trivia Contest and one of my amazing prizes was a CD of music from QAF. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU again to the contest creators and prize providers!

But here's the thing... I love the music from the show like whoa, so I've been collecting it from itunes and friends and borrowed CDs for awhile now... so I already have all of the songs on this wonderful CD! And it should not go to waste!

Awesome Track List )

If you want this lovely little piece of fandom insanity to come flying from my hands to yours, just leave a comment here. I'll give this post 48 hours and then write down all the names and pull one out of a hat to decide who gets the CD. Don't leave your real name or address in your comment; I'll get that info from you later! [Sidenote: I'm stealing this method of free gift allocation from Xie, from whom I once got a bottle of vanilla scented perfume that I ended up giving to my mom for Christmas!]
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