Queer as Folk Music

January 25th, 2008

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January 25th, 2008

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At work yesterday (I work in a bookstore) I hooked my ipod up to the store's sound system and I had my QAF mix playing. I just tell the people I work with that it's a random mix I made, not that it's specifically a QAF mix.

Admittedly, at least half of the songs in my QAF mix are techno, but there is a lot of other stuff in it too! But it seemed like almost every song that came on was a techno one... so my coworkers were teasing me about it. One just thought it was too early in the day for techno (he might have mentioned it making him want to go on a killing spree...) Another kept dancing (badly). Another said she felt like she should be doing wacky jumping jacks (which she did in fact do occasionally). Then she said:

"Or it feels like we're on the set of Queer as Folk!"

I almost died. They don't know anything about my QAF obsession and I'd like to keep it that way. Maybe next time I'll just put on my Sarah McLachlan and Norah Jones mix instead :P
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