QaF Crack!Fic - June 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
QaF Crack!Fic

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June 12th, 2008

Soooo high on teh crack.... [Jun. 12th, 2008|07:56 pm]
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Just yesterday morning, my crack!whore friends and I were having our morning constitutional of Diet Coke and crack at [info]qaf_crackfic , when [info]outlander  posted an exquisite icon by [info]brianslave68 of Brian's ass as he opened the door for Vance and Stockwell during episode 311 (not the icon above.)

Because I was high on teh crack, I noticed that not only did Brian's ass look remarkably beautiful, perky, and, well, it was a great icon featuring Brian's also struck me that it looked like Brian was taking a piss in the corner of the loft, by the door. (Not because of anything to do with the icon; it was more to do with the silliness of the mood and conversation at the time...and if you didn't know what Brian was doing in that cap, seriously...where are his hands???) If you are so moved to want to read the actually insanity that ensued, you can find them here.

Amongst the comments were a few lines I wrote about how Justin had to deal with Brian peeing in the corner of the loft; and thus, a sick little double crack!drabble was born.  I did have some encouragement, but hell, I'll take the blame.  I'm still not sure if this is only funny to us or if it has any humor in the real world, outside of our cracky little universe, but I figure I'd share.  Beta'd by [info]besamislabios,  you are a patient and tolerant soul.  All mistakes are mine. Screencap from Reminiscent Designs.

For [info]besamislabios[info]happier_bunny, and  [info]'s to Diet Coke out the nose....and making it to the bathroom on time.

Title: Brian's Favorite Corner
Author: [info]4cupcakes1988
Warnings: If the above isn't enough...yes, Brian is peeing on the floor again.  Definite crack.
Enter at your own risk )
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