Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - March 11th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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March 11th, 2009

Small Things Made Large: The reveal! [Mar. 11th, 2009|01:19 pm]




Xie's little helper, [info]fansee, will be assisting me in adding the authors' names to each drabble and fic in both phases of the challenge, as well as the master lists. We'll be doing this ASAP, but it might take some time to complete because between LJ and IJ that's 146 fics.

In the meantime, for those who want to know now now now, and to allow the authors to link to, respond to comments on, crosspost, and otherwise own and claim their works... the reveal!

The drabble master list, currently listed by drabble number, is here. Until we have updated it with authors, you can cross-reference with this list:

Master list, with authors, phase one drabbles )

The full length fic master list is here, by title of the story. Until I have that updated, here is a list of stories and authors here, with links to each story:

Master list, with authors, phase two full length fics )

Have fun and give all the authors as much love as is humanly possible!

And as always, please comment here or email me at xie.kay at gmail.com if I've made any mistakes, have broken links, etc!

Also, I will be announcing the details of the forthcoming amnesty for this challenge, as well as the next challenge, later today!

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Small Things Made Large: The amnesty! [Mar. 11th, 2009|08:50 pm]


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As promised, I'm going to have a short amnesty period for full length fics from the second phase of the "Small Things Made Large" challenge.

The challenge is to write full length stories -- minimum word count 500 -- that are inspired by the drabbles in phase one. The drabbles are here.

Unlike the earlier challenge, you can write a full-length fic for any drabble, even if you are also the author of the drabble(s),

Because this is a short challenge, I really need you to sign up for it so I know what to expect. Please sign up on this post, even if you already let me know on my earlier post that you were or might be participating.

Fics will be due on Friday, April 3 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time (the time in San Francisco, California). There will be a ten minute grace period. I will post them on Saturday, April 4.

Please carefully read this earlier post to see all the rules, the header info that I need, how to submit your fic, etc.

Questions? Ask here!

Thanks, everyone!
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Next challenge... [Mar. 11th, 2009|09:02 pm]


was going to announce the next challenge this evening, but it's a bit complicated and I'm suddenly exhausted. I have a very heavy work day tomorrow and have to be somewhere in the evening, so I'm going to say Friday for the announcement. I'm very excited about it... I hope you enjoy what I've got in mind!

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