Links to Fic Sites, Vid Sites, Icon Sites & Graphic Sites

Links to all things Queer As Folk


February 7th, 2010


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Mission Statement: [info]fun_demented and I, [info]happier_bunny, created this place to save and share links to older fan sites. Plus it will be nice to have everything in one location.

1. Link to the entire site. Please DO NOT link to one fic at a time. This is NOT a rec asylum but a reference asylum.
2. You can include a brief description of the works you're linking to.
3. Fiction sites, graphic sites, meta sites, music sites, and vid sites are allowed.
4. Your own Index pages or links to challenges should be posted at [info]qaf_index.
5. Be sure to tag your post with the appropriate tag. This is very important to keep everything organized!
6. Use the following tags: music, icons, misc. graphics, banners, wallpapers, meta, recaps, fic. In addition please add the name of the site owner i.e. the author, creator, artist, etc.
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