December 2008

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September 3rd, 2008

[info]knitmeapony in [info]pumwicket_ooc

Getting Started with Pumwicket.

1) Go to the userinfo of [info]pumwicket to get a feel for the game.

2) Go to the userinfo of [info]pumwicket_ooc and read the rules.

3) Go here and apply as requested. Make sure to hide your email address from view!

4) Go to PB wiki. Log in with the generic account. (; pass: pumwicket). Claim your PB/avatar here.

5) When [info]asst_hopkirk has accepted your application and sorted you:
a) log into the wiki again. Create a page for your character.
b) put your character's hook on the hook page.
c) provide a picture, portrait-style, for your character's ID. Go to User:, pass: pumwicket1
d) once [info]asst_hopkirk has created your ID, put it in your profile.
e) please make a post to your journal with 'PM Notification' as the subject line. Put a link to this post in your profile.

6) Feel free to create other wiki pages for any other interesting inventions/histories you may have put together for your character.

7) Please participate in all forthcoming planning posts.

Any questions, please go here:

[info]knitmeapony in [info]pumwicket_ooc

Application Questions

Anonymous commenting enabled; IP trace off.

Please post any questions you may have about the application procedure or the game here.

Further posts to the wiki I still owe: muggle technology, the journaling system. Both are forthcoming before game start. Feel free to ask for any other long rambling subjects covered.

[info]knitmeapony in [info]pumwicket_ooc

As you can see, Pumwicket's rules of the road are up. Character applications will be accepted starting... today. The game will start in mid-October. I will be putting further descriptions up on the wiki; in the mean time, feel free to ask questions as well as pimp the game.