Dec. 4th, 2008


*pokes game*

Oct. 31st, 2008



I will be posting game opening in just one minute. Some notes!

1) The party thread will be open from the moment it goes up until the end of the day on Monday. Feel free to do a lot of threading there! Also feel free to post in your character's PUDJE.

2) What is a PUDJE, you ask? Read here: These are given out for the first time tonight, at the dance, by Lockhart.

3) All PUDJE posts go in your journal; all scenes go in the Pumwicket comm.

4) There are four kinds of posts that go in the Pumwicket comm: Monologues, Directed, Open and Open to All. Monologues are third-person short pieces that are usually plot driven. Directed are when you want to play with one specific character; put their name in the subject line. Open posts are open to any single character; once someone has picked them up, they are closed to everyone else. In an 'Open to All' post, all top-level comments are treated like a new mini-scene.

5) Tagging on the Pumwicket comm should be open. This means if you want your scenes tagged so you can find them all later, you can create a tag for your character and use it. This is not required; do as you like. Feel free to create other tags for locations, too.

6) One last thing that everyone can use: there are two house Ghosts. Lord Pumwicket and Lady Pumwicket.

They were once a happily married couple, until they got stuck in their house together for eternity.

Now, while they can talk and have conversations with students, they spend most of their time fighting, and occasionally breaking things a la poltergeist. Feel free to use them at will. If you create details about them, please create a page on the wiki.

As soon as the next post goes up in the Pumwicket comm, GAME ON.

Oct. 27th, 2008


Business before game start!

Hello all!

Friday marks the start of game. I have I think three characters in queue to approve, and then we'll be all ready to go.

I believe I have a Prefect for each House; those will be announced soon. Three things that require your attention!

Wiki Page
You MUST have a wiki page for your character with some kind of information on it before you can jump into play. This is more than just the Hook page. Please go and double-check that you have something there -- if you're having trouble, leave me a comment with what you'd like there and I'll drop it in.

Clubs and Sports

You can find the official page of clubs and sports on the wiki here: Questions can go here. Once again, please feel free to make a page for the organization if you like.

Halloween Ball

Friday, we are going to post the Big Halloween Ball. This will be the opening scene for the game. There is a large Auditorium on the first floor of the school -- the Prewett Memorial Auditorium -- that has been done up in the finest orange crepe paper and stick-up paper ghosts. The Music Appreciation society is in charge of the music; there will be pizza and sandwiches and cookies.

When the scene opens, it's a typical school dance -- Lockhart of course feels the need to say a few words. The journals will be announced/introduced in his speech. He will be interrupted by the school ghosts; I'll introduce them to you later today.

After the dance post goes up, you can feel free to do any of the following:
1) join into threading with the dance
2) post with these new-fangled journal things
3) post open scenes of your own.

Any questions?

Oct. 16th, 2008


Housing and second floor

Each House has a wing of the building. 1-4 years all live together in one big dorm room. 5th years get to move to a smaller dorm room for just them.

Sixth and Seventh years get individual rooms, but they all share a bathroom. The rooms with the little towers on the edges are for the Head Boy and Head Girl of each house.

If someone is wildly out of whack, year-wise, or they have a magical issue that means they need to sleep in security of some flavor, they'll get to move to an individual room early.

Note: favor and individual rooms can always be purchased.

Housing and School Layout, 2nd Floor )


Clubs and Sports

Hello, all!

Clubs and sports at Pumwicket work a little strangely.

Clubs are allowed at any time, started by any student for any reason, as long as you can get one of the main staff members to sign off on it. Once you do, and file it with Mafalda, your club is formed.

There's almost no money, of course, so you have to make do with what you have. But you can do anything you like that's not outright illegal. Simply create a page for it on the wiki, or comment here!

Sports are organized by a little-used rule in modern England (that I may have made up). Schools with a very limited number of students are allowed to have co-ed teams and join one of the standard muggle school leagues.

As a result, all Pumwicket sports that are competitive are muggle sports. There is definitely a football team and a swimming team; everyone who tries out gets on. (There is no pool, but there is a quiet inlet from the ocean nearby.) If you'd like to start any other team, let me know here! I'm happy to populate it with NPCs.

Wizarding sports are allowed as clubs, but with no school brooms, few charms to hide them, and the like, Quidditch is a very careful and tricky thing.


Sponsored Spaces

I apologize for the tardiness of all this; I've been sick and thus quite achy and cranky. Not conducive to modliness. This is the first of a flood tonight!

First, all students whose parents have money: Pumwicket STRONGLY encourages donations; sufficiently large donations will mean you can have certain things named after you.

I know someone has already gotten the potions lab named after their family -- Mallory, that was you, yes no? -- but just about any other location, large or small, is available. If you want a whole classroom down to a door or even a doorknob, let me know here.

I'll sort it all on the Wiki later.

Oct. 6th, 2008


Hello hello hello!

I got very distracted this weekend. With the exception of the ID photos, I think I am all caught up. If I've missed anything of yours, please say so here!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to encourage y'all to add anything you want to the wiki. I'll be putting up housing and sports information this week -- hopefully tomorrow -- but all other clubs are fair game. Create a page, even if only to say:
1) that the club exists
2) who the president/student leader is, and
3) who the faculty adviser is.

Oct. 3rd, 2008


I'm adding a note in the rules; I didn't expect to have to do this, but.

Because of the high volume of magical creature applications, I am instituting the following:

Applications for werewolves are now closed.

There is now a self-policing regulation: you must balance creatures and wizards in your applications. If you want only one character, that's fine, but if you have more than one, I expect at least half to be ordinary wizards.

Pumwicket is not a school for creatures; it is a school for wizards. I allowed magical creatures because I thought it would be fun to have a diversity of character types -- what it's caused instead is an excess of special creatures. Please stop and consider how rare creatures are in the Harry Potter books before applying.

Thank you.

Oct. 1st, 2008


A note: please leave your application up as a post locked to just [info]asst_hopkirk in your journal. That is the only record you and I have about talking to anything.

To lock it just to the two of us: Go to 'Edit Custom Groups'. Create a new group labelled 'Mod' or 'Headmaster' or whatever you'd like. Put only this journal in it.

Then edit your post, and select 'show this entry to: Custom...' and select the custom group you've created.

If you've already deleted the post, you can either repost it with the history or PM me your character's history.

thank you!

Sep. 28th, 2008


It's come to my attention that, unlike GreatestJournal, IJ does not email you when you have a PM notification. This is obviously a problem; I don't expect everyone to log in every day.

To this end, I would like to request the following (this will be added to Getting Started):

- Please make a single post in your journal. Make the subject line 'PM Notifications' and the content whatever you want.
- Place a link to this post somewhere on your profile page, preferably just above your ID.

This way, when people PM you, they can poke you to let you know by leaving a comment in this post.

Thank you!


Character Design post

This is an IC/OOC post for all characters, created, applied, approved, or none of the above.

Feel free to come into this post with character journals, anonymous posts, and so on.

Feel free to pretend this is a tavern or coffee-shop style setting; please do not get the firsties drunk or caffeinated. Mafalda begs you.

You can use this post to do any of the following:
1) RP and get your character's feet wet
2) try out character ideas before applying them
3) make connections with characters who may or may not be classmates, housemates, etc.

Nothing that happens in this thread is to be considered IC for the game.

Feel free to also call for Headmaster Lockheart, Asst. to the Headmaster Hopkirk, or Professors Weasley or Diggory to see how they function, as well; I'll answer.

Please be careful how you post; if you out yourself as the player of a particular character before the game starts, you will not be allowed to play that character.

This post is always open!


Pumwicket wiki updates

If you like seeing the pumwicket wiki updates as they come in, you can friend the feed here.

Sep. 27th, 2008


Frequently Asked Questions and Dates!

You can now find frequently asked questions here: Many of them are answers to things I've gotten at the ask-a-mod post; do please keep using it.

Here are the official dates leading up to opening, with some details.

As of today, applications are open! They've actually been open for a while, but go ahead and send'em now.

The next post in this comm will be an IC-OOC post. Feel free to chatter amongst yourselves about character ideas, using either a character journal or anonymous commenting. This includes characters not applied or approved. If you out yourself before the game starts, you have to drop the character, so be careful!

In two weeks (October 11) I will begin to put up a series of IC/OOC posts. These will be sorted by year and House, and will allow the students who know one another to get a sense of each other.

In one month (October 25) applications will close. I will approve as many as I can. Please note character cap is 4 characters per person, self-policing. Applications will stay closed for at least 2 weeks following game start, so be prepared for that, but once applications re-open the cap will be gone.

The game will begin at the Halloween Party. All the action will take place October 31, but I will put up a post on October 30 (Thursday) and actively monitor it until November 3 (Monday). That will give us four days to settle into the characters. Other posting may take place during this time.

Any questions or concerns can be posted here.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


As you can see, Pumwicket's rules of the road are up. Character applications will be accepted starting... today. The game will start in mid-October. I will be putting further descriptions up on the wiki; in the mean time, feel free to ask questions as well as pimp the game.


Getting Started with Pumwicket.

1) Go to the userinfo of [info]pumwicket to get a feel for the game.

2) Go to the userinfo of [info]pumwicket_ooc and read the rules.

3) Go here and apply as requested. Make sure to hide your email address from view!

4) Go to PB wiki. Log in with the generic account. (; pass: pumwicket). Claim your PB/avatar here.

5) When [info]asst_hopkirk has accepted your application and sorted you:
a) log into the wiki again. Create a page for your character.
b) put your character's hook on the hook page.
c) provide a picture, portrait-style, for your character's ID. Go to User:, pass: pumwicket1
d) once [info]asst_hopkirk has created your ID, put it in your profile.
e) please make a post to your journal with 'PM Notification' as the subject line. Put a link to this post in your profile.

6) Feel free to create other wiki pages for any other interesting inventions/histories you may have put together for your character.

7) Please participate in all forthcoming planning posts.

Any questions, please go here:


Application Questions

Anonymous commenting enabled; IP trace off.

Please post any questions you may have about the application procedure or the game here.

Further posts to the wiki I still owe: muggle technology, the journaling system. Both are forthcoming before game start. Feel free to ask for any other long rambling subjects covered.

Aug. 28th, 2008


The rules and character generation explaination

The Rules of the Road

1) This is an anonymous game.  Please do not tell the mod, your friends, or even people outside the game which characters you are playing.  We will have anonyfeedback posts that will allow you to squee, ask questions, or otherwise interact with one another and the outside world.

2) Don't be an ass.  Don't godmode.

3) In the event of a dispute between characters, please try to use your character sheets to resolve it.  If it can not be resolved, please immediately contact the mod.

4) In the event of a dispute between the players, contact the mod immediately.  It is very easy to misread text; please try to assume goodwill on the part of everyone.

5) Please self-police how often you post; one post per two characters every two weeks.  So if you have ten characters, and one character posts five times in two weeks, you are a-okay.

Character Generation

Let's just go through the character sheet, step by step.

Name: Please try to make this awesome and wizardly
Birthdate: (including year) Please also put this in your profile.
Year in School: This does not have to match your age.
Wand: You do not have to have one.  It does have to be standard if you do, and there are scholarships for upper-year students to get one.
Familiar: If you have a familiar, describe it here.  Please describe completely.  Animal type is not limited but Mafalda reserves the right to say 'no' on the grounds of health, safety, sanity (hers), or general common sense (rare).
Magical Specialty: Feel free to put 'none' for 1-5 years; sixth and seventh years MUST have one.  Feel free to make this up entirely and be insanely specific -- the use of unicorn blood in potions is fine.  So is illusions.
Identifying Marks: Physical or magical -- if someone is a squib, magical creature, or anything of the like, please put this here even if it is not visible.  If you do not put
Hook: Write at least 1 sentence, no more than 5 paragraphs

School Activities: Please feel free to invent any clubs you want, magical or muggle.  I will find an advisor if it is needed; one-person clubs can exist advisor-free.  If 7th year, please include a course your student could teach, mundane or magical.  All 7th year students will teach one four-hour afternoon a week.

Character Sheet:

You have 30 points to distribute, plus one point per year in school. (e.g. A first year would have 30+1 a fifth year 30+5.)  Four is an average child; five is an average adult.  Ten is the maximum in any one category.  You must have an explanation or at least a description of their genius in your history if you give any nines or tens in any category.

Physical: general health, strength, and dexterity
Mental: intelligence and ingenuity
Social: charisma and manipulation
Will: strength of will or character; magical defense
Magic: does what it says on the tin
Strategy: puzzles, war, and anything similar

Everything you do can be represented as the sum of two of these.  Breaking down a door would be physical + will; creating a new spell would be mental + magic.  If there is more than one sensible combination, use whatever you like.

This will only come into play when you are competing against another character; each of you pick your appropriate sum and compare the numbers.  Higher wins; lower loses; ties go to the defender or a deadlock if possible. If a deadlock can't be easily written, please contact the mod and she will help you puzzle it out.

History: This can be as short or as long as you want this; please note once your character is approved this can not be edited. This does not have to be included in your profile, so feel free to include secrets. If you want a special power, to create a new part of the Potterverse, or otherwise want to be weird, include that here.

PB/Avatar: Please be age-appropriate.  Feel free to app with a description and no avatar chosen; the mod will help you find one.

Aug. 19th, 2008


Application Procedure.

Required Application Pieces )

Optional Application Pieces )