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customs are free in return for funny gifs [29 Mar 2015|05:15pm]

i was asked yesterday, would i rather know everything in the world there is to know, or know nothing and be happy in ignorance? and i've been thinking about it all day, still, and i can't come up with an answer. i mean, knowing everything would help you know how to be happy, right? but ignorance is bliss rings in true as well, i think. honestly, it's more or less cooked my brain, so someone else should tell me their thoughts instead. hello, i'm beny, and i've eaten an entire circle of brie cheese today.
88 +

[22 Mar 2015|10:00am]

i'm malena and currently have the longest flight ahead of me to visit some punk. i need recommendations to keep me amused. books/movies. give it all to me
93 +

i'm down for customs, but don't let my dirty dancing inspired aim name get dusty. [09 Mar 2015|05:35pm]

hello, my name is clive, better know to some as the asian pizza boy turned zombie fighter. and since the business is in my blood, i've got to know: how do you usually like your pizza?

(examples of appropriate answers: thin crust, extra cheese, deep dish, pepperoni; examples of inappropriate answers: hawaiian-style, with extra braaaaaiiiinsss.)
123 +

[04 Mar 2015|08:25am]

I'm Moira. In my spare time people exploit me for my genie like powers. So tell me your wishes and we'll see what you actually get.
57 +

customs for always. [03 Mar 2015|07:23am]

good morning, loves. i'm rochester, and i want you to tell me - where does your name come from? were you named after someone? or if that doesn't tickle your fancy, tell me about your favourite hobby, but it can't be something related to what you do for work.
168 +

customs are about all i can keep track of [26 Feb 2015|11:43am]
in honor of #tbt, lets do some sharing. let me see those adorable young/baby pictures. or if you don't have any to show, show me something that comes up when you google yourself with #tbt. this is mine! can't wait for coachella again!
136 +

customs are the best! [24 Feb 2015|12:27pm]

i think i'm still recovering from sunday night and need a nap, what do you need right now?
16 +

customs, screenname ideas [18 Feb 2015|09:18pm]

i'm watching john wick, and i'm still not sure how i feel about it but i love the way it shows off parts of my city. so who are you, what's your city? what do you love about it?
116 +

customs make me happy [11 Feb 2015|09:41am]

i'm ellie and i haven't had enough coffee to start this day with yet, so just tell me something good
54 +

custom customs™ for sale [01 Feb 2015|08:00pm]

i completely forgot to do this, let's blame the jetlag. at first i felt this weird sense of guilt and i started coming up with ideas as to why i didn't get to it, though. dinosaur ate my laptop/momentarily loss of feeling in the fingers/large turtle apocalypse. making up excuses is something i'm clearly excellent at doing on a whim. what are some of your odd little strengths or, hey, what are some of the weaknesses people call you out on?
280 +

come one, come all for customs. [01 Feb 2015|12:54pm]

i'm andie and i was genuinely dead to the world yesterday but i'm ready to come out of hibernating. let's have a chat about where you are at the moment. or if you'd rather, pick a number between 1 and 100 and i'll ask you a question from this handy list i found.
110 +

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