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main & intros

main & intro community for starring.





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[06 May 2016|03:16pm]

so. i totally forgot to do this. lets talk about the last thing that you forgot, only to remember way later. or lets talk weekend plans
34 +

customs, customs, customs. [06 Apr 2016|10:56pm]

hey, i'm avery. i'm staring down the start of a long promo haul and i'm already planning my holiday reward for after. so tell me about your last holiday or your dream holiday spot. bonus points for pictures!
77 +

[20 Jan 2016|09:58am]

hello! it's me, adele! okay i wish, it's just ro and i'm here to discuss your thoughts on the selfie. love them. hate them. game strong? if you're a fan, show me your fave! mama has her selfie game on point, (and her love for the queen)
147 +

customs (if you're brave enough after i've admitted to being grouchy) [19 Jan 2016|11:13am]

i'm very late with this, but i'm incredibly intent on being punctual on most things. tell me one thing that really makes you angry: i hate when people are late for pre-planned things, it makes me grouchier than i usually am
112 +

customs for all [10 Jan 2016|01:28am]

i think with a new year, i've got to do another of these re-intro thingies ... i say, as i've just had a double-whammy of watching Room and then Brooklyn. as i try to get my emotions back in check, do you have a favourite "awards" film this season? oh and i'm cole, by the way.
65 +

customs 4 sale, price is the low, low price of free.99 [11 Dec 2015|02:50am]

hey friends, i just had my first cringeworthy moment in all my public life when i said "do you know who i am mate" to a drunk dude tryna get handsy. what's the most cringeworthy moment you've had in your life? and if you're saintly and don't cringe at yourself, what's the question you hate to be asked?
143 +

customs please [01 Dec 2015|06:36pm]

What's up everyone? I'm Deacen. What was the #1 song on the day that you were born?
Thank you, Kenny Loggins..
59 +

Customs [01 Nov 2015|11:52am]

Since we're a community of artists of sorts, tell me about the inspiration to pursue the career you've chosen. Was it something that happened instantly, like watching a film or listening to a song for the first time? Was the interest gradual? Were you always destined to do something creative?
37 +

customs customs customs [27 Sep 2015|10:14am]

i'm slade and i need a nap and maybe some more poutine to cure this hangover. who are you and what do you need right now?
159 +

[26 Aug 2015|09:14am]

i'm wolfe and i have not yet consumed enough coffee to get this day going, so just tell me something good. including but not limited to what you're eating today. where you woke up. or what the hell do you think is going down on mr. robot tonight because those are the most pressing questions of life.
110 +

[25 Aug 2015|03:16pm]

caroline here and right now i'm just going to ask everyone to bring out their diva so that we can talk about behind the scenes demands we have made, currently make, and would want to make if we were forced to give someone a list. that's right, no hiding behind the claim that you don't want anything but you can be as vanilla or as extra with it as you want
82 +

[21 Jul 2015|12:57pm]

i'm miyoko and i just annihilated two big macs and a large fries and will probably be in a food coma for days. what was the last thing that surprised/impressed you?
45 +

customs are great [16 Jul 2015|08:37am]

say you've woken up in the realm of whatever tv show/movie/youtube video/book/etc you consumed last. where are you? are you happy there, can you create a livable life?
134 +

want a quote to describe you? ask for a custom. it's our secret. [13 Jun 2015|01:06pm]

hello, i'm rosie. the bad news is you're dead. should have looked both ways or not ate so many saturated fats. the good news is it's your turn in the queue to determine if you're going to heaven or hell. what's the biggest thing you did that swing it in favour of one or the other? (if you're a private person, tell me what you're raving about to everyone lately)

197 +

[02 Jun 2015|10:16am]

lets discuss what you should be drinking
100 +

[27 May 2015|09:12pm]

heyo, ladies and gentlemen, i'm paul. gimme the low down - what are you really fucking good at? brag a little, and then even the playin' field and tell me something you're real, real bad at.
95 +

customs for one and all [09 May 2015|03:26am]

hey everyone, i'm fiona and apparently the best at procrastination. evidenced by procrastinating going to bed until ... dawn? while i seriously consider going out and getting donuts, tell me about the last time you pulled an all-nighter, or what your favorite breakfast treat is. photos encouraged.
71 +

customs for those who will actually use them. [23 Apr 2015|02:45pm]

I'm Ezrha. I've always found strangers find more commonalities in things they hate than things they love. So spill some pet peeves, those films/tv shows you can't understand how anyone could love (I'm side eyeing myself too), or just a giant list of rants about stupid shit in life.
146 +

[14 Apr 2015|01:02pm]

i'm branton and if you were asked to kill someone with the last thing that you purchased, how would that fare for you? i don't think my sushi would impale anyone so i'm probably fucked.
553 +

customs are what i can handle [31 Mar 2015|09:15am]

i'm bodie and essentially have no witty questions so lets just chat, say hey, tell me your weekend plans, your favorite animal, any or all of the above work too
53 +

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