Mar. 12th, 2010


April 2nd, 2011: Team Pretty

Who: Yori and Kaoru
What: Yori wants to make sure Kaoru can actually cook edible things given his father's cooking and makes a pretense of being unsure of his own cooking abilities. Kaoru is nice enough to show up and practice with him.
When: April 2nd, 4 PM-ish
Where: 346 Aido Court. Yori's house.
Kaoru and Yori in aprons. Which one would you say is the prettiest? )

Mar. 11th, 2010


April 2nd, 2011: Now with More Trees

Who: Hotaru and Izumi.
What: Hotaru decides that a bird's eye view is required for understanding a map. Izumi probably decides she's an idiot. We'll see.
When: April 2nd, 5 PM
Where: In the central shopping district.
Trees, maps and foreigners. )


April 2nd, 2011

Who: Haruto, Kaoru
What: An evening at the bookstore
When: April 2nd, Evening
Where: Books-A-Thousand

There was a simple pleasure inherent in the restoration of order. )

Mar. 10th, 2010


April 2nd, 2011. Complaining

Who: Masashi, open
What: Masashi's random rambling.
Where: City streets.
When: April 2nd. This thread takes place between the hours of 7 AM and 8 AM.


Who: Osamu, open
What: Convenience Store
Where: Convenience Store, the dodgy end of town.
When: April 2nd, a little after 2pm.
Why: ???

The rest of the town got to dream about midgets with noses and he had to have nightmares about being burned alive in a porn store. )

Mar. 9th, 2010


April 02 2011.

Who: Shizuka, Micchin.
Where: A street in town, probably near the university.
When: Morning?
What: Pimpin' suit ashing.
Why? Gay subtext Character development~

Read more )

Mar. 8th, 2010


April 2nd, 2011: 7:00 AM

Who: Chizu, open
What:Chizu is talking a walk to avoid thinking of noses.
When: April 2nd, 2011. The following thread takes place between 7 AM and 8 AM
Where: A park

Mar. 7th, 2010


April 2nd, 2011 7:00am to Noon

Who: Airi and [OPEN]
What: Airi is going into work, as she usually does. An opportunity for others to come in and meet her to get some sort of impression.
When: April 2nd, 2011. 7am-Noon
Where: Pastry Delights

Work. Work. Sweet sweet, Work. )