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[03 Mar 2013|04:18pm]
I'm looking to get back into writing and have a few rough ideas I thought I'd put out there.

The first is Teen Wolf based. I'd pretty much love to get back into playing Stiles. Ideally against Derek, but I'm open to pretty much any of the others. Scott, Isaac, Allison, ect. I'd be fine with taking off from any point in cannon, or going completely AU from the show.

In addition to that, I would also like a One Direction line. I pretty much have my heart set on a Louis and Harry line, but I could be talked into playing as/or against one of the others. One paring I'd really love to try is Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw line. I'm fine with playing celeb, though PB/AU is sounding best to me right now. Just ask to hear my ideas!

And last, but not least...would anyone be interested in a group psl, centered around a summer camp using the faces of One Direction? Other faces would be welcomed too, but I'd love to get all five boys first and go from there. We can decided together what sort of camp it is...for example, a camp of the arts(drama, music, singing), a youth detention camp, rich kids camp, ect. Let me know your thoughts!
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