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[07 Jan 2013|12:04pm]
Looking for some lines or some great games. Check out my journal for more information. :D (x-posted)

1. Comics! I really love anything to do with the X-Men and the Avengers and those associated. Some of my favorite characters to play are She Hulk, Wasp, Mystique, Toad, and Jubilee but I can play a lot of others. Hit me up with ideas. As far as DC goes I normally don't venture out of the Batman world. I have read some Justice League and Teen Titans though. I am obsessed with Harley Quinn so a good Joker or Ivy to play against would be fabulous.

2. Anything to do with the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons, angels you name it and I love it. I have a vast array of characters that I can play with that but I don't do Twilight so please.. don't ask.

BONUS! Anything based off of the Mercedes Thompsons or Alpha and Omega Series by Patricia Briggs AND I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER.

Obviously I can be swayed on a lot of things so feel free to hit me up with your ideas too and I may be persuaded with that!
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