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[22 Feb 2019|09:21am]
I have tons of ideas in my journal!

Kind of feeling these at the moment:

The witch and their familiar, widow / widower and the coach / teacher, what is supposed to be a short term vacation romance turns into more, the escort and the customer, hiring a fake significant other for some family gathering turns into more than either was bargaining for, A couple who lives in neighboring buildings fall in love from across the way, all without speaking a word to each other.

As always, I can offer [info]first_donoharm as well, although I'd prefer to play Grace. I am always eager to hear your ideas! Please contact me via my plotting post.
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[22 Feb 2019|01:35pm]
They put the Twilight series on Hulu and along with being reminded of how AWFUL a lot of the acting was I was also reminded of how much I loved the premise and lore(except for the sparkling part- I can't get on board with that). I’m looking for something against one of the wolves, preferably Paul. I’m interested in playing an OC. I love expanding lines and playing multiple characters, so I’d totally be up for playing an additional character of your choosing.
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[22 Feb 2019|07:03pm]
something het & pb for any of the girls in this journal?
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[ viewing | February 22nd, 2019 ]
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