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[29 Dec 2014|05:12am]
Seth Rogen, please? PB or celeb.
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[29 Dec 2014|12:00pm]
Ignore the icon.

I have been watching nothing but period dramas and history movies, though it's really not a problem since I love them so much and can never get enough. I'd like a line centered around an arranged marriage between royal families, neighboring countries in any time period. My favorites would most likely be the 17th or 16th century but I won't say no to any other time. Another favorite of mine? A May-December/age-gap for the two. Bonus but not required.

Threading only, please.
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[29 Dec 2014|12:03pm]
So for the first time in a few years, I'm completely without story lines. Since I had been playing the guy, I'd like a nice slice-of-life line where I can play the girl for a while. Does anyone have a line that they're looking to get filled? PSLs only for now.
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[29 Dec 2014|06:21pm]
someone for a femme line? I have ideas that i'd love to get filled.
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