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[06 Sep 2014|12:53pm]
looking for some psls for my James
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[06 Sep 2014|06:44pm]
looking for a few psls. check the journal.
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[06 Sep 2014|07:51pm]
I'm in desperate ache for a walking dead type line. Zombies and the end of the world, lots of angst and up and downs, maybe even a little fluff here and there. Tons of actions. I could go with something from the show, something from the game, or something completely AU. I'm open to canon lines or something just in the apocalypse setting. I'm open to playing males or females and even multiple characters if I find a suitable partner and we mesh really well. Anyone interested?
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[06 Sep 2014|08:34pm]
Something for this lady
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[ viewing | September 6th, 2014 ]
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