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[14 Aug 2014|08:59am]
could i get something het/slash for pete?
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[14 Aug 2014|12:08pm]
would anyone be interested in playing petyr to my sansa in a modern GoT psl?
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[14 Aug 2014|07:23pm]
trying again, looking for something for this guy. Anyone? I'll do het/slash but for girls only alt models
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[14 Aug 2014|08:56pm]
Looking for a straight Nick Jonas who wants to let this little gay boy worship him.

PSL, hopefully long term. AIM a definite plus and preferred but threading isn't necessarily a deal breaker if you're actively posting. We can work out the details of their situation, just drop me a comment with your AIM sn and to let me know you're interested.

Possible ideas can include but are not limited to; two boys in high school and hero worship, gay boy is the younger bro of straight boy's girlfriend and he finds him drunk and tricks him, boy poses as girl and tricks straight boy (a little bit of a stretch, but can work for multiple scenerios and that's what imagination is for!)

(Will also consider young and studly faces other than Nick Jonas but he's a major bonus)

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[ viewing | August 14th, 2014 ]
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