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[11 Aug 2014|02:05pm]
I've been playing a few guys lately and would love to play a woman in a PSL.

With Magic in the Moonlight out, I'm really into the idea of playing against a Colin Firth. Does anyone want to go Southern Gothic, Night Circus, or Howl's Moving Castle with me? I'm thinking that a magician falls in love with his ward and apprentice.

Threads. Magic. Romance.
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[11 Aug 2014|04:19pm]
something for jayy, please know who he is before commenting :D
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[11 Aug 2014|07:34pm]
Still looking for someone for my Molly! Would love a Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sebastian Moran, or Jim Moriarty for some interesting power-play on Molly's part. Contact me here, through PM, or at my journal.
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[ viewing | August 11th, 2014 ]
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