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[25 Jul 2014|01:10pm]
Would anyone be up for a GPSL with original, PB characters based roughly on the tv show Friends? I was thinking it could be fun if it was set in London, with European PBs. I was also thinking it could be fun if it was Doctor Who faces! Like David Tennant could be the 'Ross,' Billie Piper could be the Rachel, Matt Smith could be the Joey, Jenna-Louise Coleman could be the Monica, and Arthur Darvil could be the Chandler. Like, they would have similar personalities or qualities, but be their own people. I'd love to include spam and customs, as well as scening!
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[25 Jul 2014|01:12pm]
Check it, thanks~

One historical fantasy sl, and one atompunk/dystopia sl.
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longshot I'm sure... [25 Jul 2014|04:22pm]
PSL? I have a couple ideas of who I'd like to play him against (a couple het and one slash) but we could brainstorm as well! I just miss playing him.
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[25 Jul 2014|11:13pm]
Faith Lehane, Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester for an AU line with and AU Katherine.

Desperately looking for writers who would love to come up with our own cobbled together world for these characters.

Het and journals only - and the darker the lines the better!
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