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[23 Jul 2014|01:20am]
longshot, but i'll try it anyway. is anyone interested in writing a celebrity baby psl? with the popping up of the latest celebrity baby comm in pbads it's made me miss my celeb baby that I played a few years ago and I have a couple different ideas for him and who i'd like to play him against if you're interested in brainstorming something comment here!
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[23 Jul 2014|06:37am]
Can I get a PSL for her? Het or femme.
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[23 Jul 2014|12:08pm]
PSLs with any of the faces in my journal? Het or slash, original PB characters only, no celeb.
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[23 Jul 2014|05:20pm]
Interested in faux royalty (commoner + royal) or faux celeb. I have a few ideas for both (not necessarily listed on the journal). I play male or female but like to have a balance. I can whip up a custom or chat via AIM for plotting -- but threading only for RP.
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[23 Jul 2014|05:42pm]
I'd love to play a girl who is working as a hooker on the side, and at a motel her client walks in and its: a cop, sheriff, dad, step-dad, uncle, former teacher or current teacher, dad's best friend, etc. Open to options.
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[ viewing | July 23rd, 2014 ]
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