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[08 Jun 2014|12:45am]
psl, anyone? craving a little gossip girl in reverse -- UES boy meets a brooklyn girl, perhaps?
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[08 Jun 2014|08:45am]
What are my chances of tempting anyone to play against a character inspired by 'House of Cards's Francis Underwood? A Meechum-inspired muse to play against would be brilliant, but I'd also consider characters based on Claire. Or if two writers are interested in making this an OT3, I'd certainly be down for that too.
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[08 Jun 2014|01:42pm]
Fandom anyone? Game of Thrones line? I'd love to play against: Oberyn, Gendry, Baelish, Renly, Stannis, Gregor. Het or Slash.

Marvel Filmverse - Would love to play Fitz from SHIELD against Cap, Hawkeye or in an X-Men crossover against Wolverine, Magneto, Colossus.

Walking Dead - Het or Slash against Rick, Governor, Shane.
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[08 Jun 2014|07:41pm]
would anyone be interested in a pb psl that is loosely based on jfk and jackie kennedy's relationship?
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[ viewing | June 8th, 2014 ]
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