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[28 May 2014|02:03am]
After seeing a spoiler from the first episode of the next season of Doctor Who, I've been wanting to write Clara against the Twelfth Doctor in a PSL. Of course, he would be up to your interpretation, but I think we could have fun! And you don't have to have seen the youtube vid of them filming the first episode or anything, haha. But I would also love to write her against an Eleven, or a Ten, because I loved the banter in the 50th anniversary. I've got ideas for all of them, so just let me know!
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[28 May 2014|04:31am]
Check the journal! I'd love to brainstorm something.
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[28 May 2014|10:10am]
SLs needing filled here.
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[28 May 2014|10:53am]
So this is probably the biggest longshot EVER, but I've got an idea. Remember that clever tv show Phineas and Ferb? Well, I KNOW this has been done before, but I'd love to write for a human!Perry. Either he's been humanized, or we do a really AU idea where he's always been human and a secret agent who's also mute. I'm looking for someone who'd like to play AU Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. I'm not 100% of the PB, although I think I might have a few ideas. Maybe still really silly, or more serious, depending on the mood of our SL. It could just be like an epic bromance!frenemies, or go the slash route, whatever. Doesn't have to be entirely based on the show. Let me know if you're interested in this crazy PSL idea and we'll plot more!
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come to me [28 May 2014|04:39pm]
"Time isn’t a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You could be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th and it’s all my fault. I brought you here.”

Warning: plot heavy line behind cut. Click at your own risk.

Line inspired by Time Machine by HG Wells, Hannibal as created by Bryan Fuller and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.

Serious players/inquiries only please.
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Need an Alexander Grayson... [28 May 2014|07:23pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Threading and/or AIM Threading preferably. AIM is cool, but I'd rather do posting on here or LJ.
-Contact Information My journal or at this post. PMs are good too.
-Storyline desired Post Season 1. Since we don't know if the series is coming back or not, it would be "What if..." with Mina and Alexander/Vlad/Dracula
-Played-by desired Jonathan Rhys Meyers


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[28 May 2014|10:52pm]
Would anyone be willing to PB Jennifer Lawrence in a Het line? Looking for something romantic, but realistic.
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