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[20 May 2014|09:04am]
Does anyone pb George Clooney or someone similiar close to his age for a boss/personal assistant line? Looking for more character development and someone who wont bail after everything we had discussed! He'll have a 26yo son in play if that is any help. Ive fallen in love with this idea and would like to see it play out.
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[20 May 2014|10:26pm]
Longshot, but remember that tv show Phineas and Ferb? This is an AU!human Perry the Platypus, and I would LOVE to get someone interested in playing Dr. Doofenshmirtz for me in either a frenemies, or frenemies and eventual slash line. I've got PB ideas for you.
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[ viewing | May 20th, 2014 ]
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