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Someone besides me must watch The Good Wife [29 Apr 2014|12:33am]
Therefore someone out there must be a desperate for a Will/Alicia line as I am. Please, mysterious somebody, contact me ASAP. I'm even willing to try playing Will, if you'd rather play Alicia.

Talk to me. Comments screened.
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[29 Apr 2014|02:56pm]
Hey, could I get someone to play an AU Dr. Doofenshmirtz for my AU!Human Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb? I can help with PB suggestions, I have some in mind!
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[29 Apr 2014|08:28pm]
something for tom hiddleston? preferably emilia clarke, rose leslie, jenna fischer, ellie kemper, kristen stewart, alona tal, or a shiri appleby. other suggestions would be welcome. aim preferred, though.
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