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[17 Apr 2014|02:33pm]
so, i'm looking for a slash or a het line for my aidan turner here over thread or aim.

basically, he'd meet your married guy/girl at a charity event where he's a worker at the function/event, they flirt, etc and its innocent enough but also bad too. a little while later your character has put up one of the rooms for rent in their place and my guy responds to the ad, talking to your characters significant other and ending up getting the room without knowing that each other is going to live there. basically, it'd be an affair line. i have no real other details planned out but we can work something out.
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[17 Apr 2014|04:13pm]
Wanting to play Colton Haynes possibly Dave Franco.
I have three ideas and these are very vague room for a LOT of brainstorming.

1). Either a line based on s group of runaway kids that get into all kinds of things they shouldn't. Something kinda like the kids in ninja turtles one where they were stealing, fight clubbing whatever type illegalness.
2). Is something like rich kid meets homeless/poor kid but they both have a thing they shouldn't for each other.
3). Two people on the run. Maybe they both witnessed something and they've either been on or go on the run from whatever it is they saw?

Like I said very vague. Full of brainstorm potential. :)
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[17 Apr 2014|07:18pm]
Would anyone be willing to play Tom Cruise or Kevin Costner against Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Katie Holmes or Julie Gonzalo in a non-smut, long term psl?
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[ viewing | April 17th, 2014 ]
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