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[03 Apr 2014|05:55am]
does anyone play jake bass, pete wentz, brendon urie, ryan ross, ezra miller, jared leto, chris colfer or darren criss? i'm looking for slash for something specific
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[03 Apr 2014|11:43am]
A new, dark, BBC Sherlock line is needed!

I play Sherlock, Mycroft, and Moriarty. Mostly looking for something post series 3, could do pre if it's with Jim. Would want dark elements (drug abuse, perhaps having been captured while out of the country (if it lasted longer), maybe kink elements, maybe Mycroft having Sherlock incarcerated and making John treat him...) up for most anything!

Also would be up for anything gritty involving playing Captain Jack Harkness

Mostly play by email, EST, and slash.
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[03 Apr 2014|02:38pm]
Would anyone like to work on a Father/Daughter line?
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[03 Apr 2014|06:02pm]
Really wanting to do a line based around Divergent movie/book series with OC's. Anybody up for it? Please please please no flaky people. My hopes have been dashed far too many times this week
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crossposted. [03 Apr 2014|10:27pm]
looking for a richard hammond or a james may for a psl. celebrity verse. i can help with things if you need it, but i'm desperate and eventually, we can take it to a community.
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[ viewing | April 3rd, 2014 ]
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