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[24 Mar 2014|01:14am]
New supernatural GPSL.
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[24 Mar 2014|01:46am]
Please tell me someone else besides me saw tonight's episode of The Good Wife. Because I need a Will/Alicia line. Like. NOW.
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x-p [24 Mar 2014|02:54am]
Looking for a gypsy-line for this boy right here; would lovelovelove to play against a Matt Bomer or Matthew Goode-face! Extra brownie points for that :), though really I am open to so many different faces, I'm game for whatever! There are more dets I can give if it strikes your intrest, just lemme know and I'll swing us up a custom to talk shop.

If not, also itching to try out:
- A TTP (tomorrow people, or what have you) psl. Main squeeze is John/Jed (and can play either), but if that doesn't float your proverbial boat I'd love to maybe figure out something a bit more original stemming from that universe!

-Archangel-play! Or angel-cest, even. I am impartial, I just love the buggers (more as they pertain to SPN, but hey - I was hoping the spin-off we were gonna get would be more them than Tribes, so, eh.): Looking to pick up a muse for Michael, Gabriel or Lucifer; Raphael isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not at all adverse to playing against him! Or any of the other angels, really! As for the ones I listed and their respective play-against preferees, I gotta say (without spoilers) the only one in particular I'm itching for is a possible Lucifer/Dean after the whole Mark of Cain spiel. Could prove to be very intriguing.

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[24 Mar 2014|05:46pm]
something long-term for jake bass, not picky on ANYONE. please be realistic though.
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