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[11 Feb 2014|01:17am]
PSL for the night.

Het or Femme, open to AIM or Threading!
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[11 Feb 2014|04:06am]
So I currently have this guy burning a hole in my pocket and would love something Uncharted/Indiana Jones/Treasure Hunter inspired, since this guy was created for exactly that. Problem is the brainstorming seems to have come to a stand still and this guy just isn't leaving me alone. Thus I have come here for help! Someone! Anyone! Please, help me!

I'd prefer it to be non-romantic, but I'm not totally adverse to the idea. We can chat something out. He's het only, sorry guys aaand please ignore the gibberish in his profile. I haven't finished writing it all out yet. (He's too eager to just play.)

Comment here, if you're interested. Thanks!

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[11 Feb 2014|05:07am]
i'm trying to find an adam lambert/chris colfer or Darren Criss for something specific
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[11 Feb 2014|05:53am]
i'm looking for a few different lines:

one two fathers who are in the 'industry' whether it be adult filming, acting, directing etc

two: pb line between james dean/elvis Presley or heath ledger/jake gyllenhaal

three: fan/celeb type line
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[11 Feb 2014|06:12pm]
Anyone playing the Telltale game series The Wolf Among Us?

I'd love to play Bigby, Beast, or almost anyone that I could get my hands on there. I haven't gotten to read the comics but I know that it is based on Fables. I hope to be able to read some of it soon as it looks super interesting but it likely will wait until after the series so I won't have to worry about spoilers (as I know it's a prequel to it all).

I'd love to get some het lines going in the series against anyone ... Faith, Snow, Beauty, Little Mermaid... Or even someone who hasn't been talked about yet. More then willing to plot out an AU or go from some point in the series thusfar! Willing to go dark, or whatever else!

Also open to playing Lee Everett from Telltale's The Walking Dead series as well!
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[11 Feb 2014|07:23pm]
Would any writers out there be interested in either an AU PSL or very small group game in the Supernatural world? Ideally looking for writers who like to explore darker and/or taboo subjects and would be prepared to write the Winchester boys.

Please ignore the journal - I know Ruby isn't always popular and I'm open to playing a lot of different characters. Maybe the game could include other fandoms too. Leave a message at my journal if you think you might be interested - I'm willing to make comms etc to give us somewhere to write.
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[11 Feb 2014|08:42pm]
( not for this journal, obviously! )


I'm looking for something a bit.. rare. Late to the party, as always, I'll admit I wasn't really planning to watch FROZEN until tumblr wiled me into, but alas-! I have. So, now I'm interested in the - admittedly, tumblr!infused - sibling parallels between Elsa/Anna and Lucifer/Gabriel from SUPERNATURAL. To be honest, I would love to write on the basic foundation of the story with them and build - potentially - wherever else we like with it. Gen preferred, but willing to discuss (would always be up for playing other characters on the side!)

Or even just something with the ARCHANGELS from the show; pre-show? Maybe before Lucifer fell.. maybe an au to after, where he was released from the Cage differently. Doesn't matter! I just feel their dynamics are so under-explored..

Anywhos! That's my offer. Strange as it comes.
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