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[13 Jan 2014|03:23pm]
Gently, gently testing the waters again, and looking for a few fantasy lines. Off the top of my head, I would be thrilled to find an Alec Baldwin for a fantasy arranged marriage line, and a Tilda Swinton for a gender-switching low demon for a young witch to love.
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[13 Jan 2014|03:49pm]
lines for tom hiddleston. celeb or pb. het/aim only.
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[13 Jan 2014|05:47pm]
Looking for a psl partner (or partners) to either fill some of the lines here...or to help think up new ones. Dropbox or comment if interested. x-posted

(Note: These lines are darker/more mature content oriented.)
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[ viewing | January 13th, 2014 ]
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