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[08 Jan 2014|01:10am]
Middle-earth related lines? I play the line of Durin (Thorin Oakenshield, Fili, Kili), Ori, Bofur and Dwalin also. I'll play slash, het and against Middle-earth OC's, but no more Tauriel's please :)

I'm also happy to use those faces in medieval/viking psls as regular sized folk.
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[08 Jan 2014|06:08am]
Looking for various darker longterm lines for my dragonshifter I'm making for a high fantasy game in the works. Fellow neutral/evil mercenaries/friends in my character's company or independent enemies and contacts would be great. Maybe a romantic line or two? A sorcerer/sorceress or hunters might be interesting. Also another dragon would be nice to have around for maybe tension or friendship. Willing to explore themes like power struggle, dominance, etc and would hear out any ideas.

Comments screened, but dropbox on the journal.
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[08 Jan 2014|09:32pm]
See journal for line ideas and themes! Het and slash, male and female.
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