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[02 Jan 2014|05:23am]
does anyone play jessicka, laney, or other alt models?
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[02 Jan 2014|05:30am]
can I get something for Adam?
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[02 Jan 2014|07:03am]
Andrew Garfield? Ryan Gosling? Bradley Cooper? Any other guys interested in some dirty custom exchanges (scenes later on if we click) - come to momma!
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[02 Jan 2014|12:19pm]
[info]londoners  Hugh Laurie for a friend around his age, Alex Kingston, Catherine Tate, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connelly, Laura Linney for an ex-wife or ladyfriend or just a friend closer to his age, Craig Ferguson for [info]emw  's father and another friend for him, also Martin Freeman, Rupert Graves, Freema Agyeman, Jennifer Morrison, and Andrew Lincoln!
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[02 Jan 2014|09:52pm]
EDITED: Just getting back into RPing after a long break. Jonesing to get the creative juices flowing again. Some storylines I'm interested in doing are found here. Comment or drop-box if you're interested!

Romantic, het lines preferred - but definitely interested in mixing in some angst, darkness, drama, etc.

Not averse to older man/younger woman or older woman/younger man (both within reason), if the line sounds good.
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[02 Jan 2014|11:36pm]
Can I get a Pete for a well-rounded threading line? Smut, fluff, angst, exploring over a decade of being in a relationship with someone who lacks a concept of personal space.
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[ viewing | January 2nd, 2014 ]
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