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[08 Nov 2013|09:09am]
Would anyone be interested in a long term, private, non-smut storyline involving a faux-celeb and a commoner who he is forced into a relationship with? By way of her getting pregnant through a one night stand or possibly a stripper/model that is paid to help him look a little edgier in the media?
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[08 Nov 2013|12:54pm]
[info]wehoca Jenna Coleman, Alex Kingston, Andrew Scott, Martin Freeman, OUAT faces, etc.
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The Longest Long-Shot Evarrrr~ [08 Nov 2013|02:07pm]
[ music | "I'm Writing a Novel" - Father John Misty ]

So. This list of people I'm looking to play against is probably crazy to some of you, but you can save your judgment for something that matters. I have my reasons! :P

I have a bunch of line ideas (way too many to post here), mostly centering around RL/modern (possibly slight AU of it), but I've been watching a lot of historical stuff lately and might could be swayed that direction... with the right line. Maybe.

There are some ideas (but not all the ones I've got) posted on my journal, as well as a list of characters I currently have, and some PBs I could potentially use. All the important stuff is there, including my contact info. Check it if you're curious; that's what it's there for.

This would be for a slash line, PB and PSL (possible GPSL) only. I do tend to write sex scenes out, but I'm not gonna cry very hard if you're all about FTB. I care more about plot than porn. I'd like to say this is for a long-term line, but we'd have to see how well the characters click first before that determination can be made. I only like committing when I'm sure, and I'll definitely let you know if I'm not into it.

If you don't know who some of these dudes are, you probably aren't alone in the RP world, and Google is your friend. :)

WANTED: Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Rupert Graves, James Callis, Daniel Henney, RDJ, Jude Law, Johnny Depp, Mark Ruffalo, Eric Dane, Jason George, Hugh Laurie, Shemar Moore, Dennis Oh, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Seth Rogen, Tom Mison, John Cho, Gabe Saporta, Harry Lloyd, Jason Momoa, Grant Bowler, Jonas Armstrong, Ran Danker, Idris Elba, Leo Minaya, Brett Tucker, Yehuda Levi, Kit Harington, Alex Skarsgard, Julian McMahon, Taylor Kitsch, Vincent Gallo.

I know, it's a long list (hey, I enjoy options), and it's not necessarily in any kind of order aside from the first handful. No, they're not all traditionally handsome, and yes, most (all?) of them are 30+. Some are even way over. I happen to like playing (and playing against) grownups. If you don't... well. This clearly isn't for you. :)

I'm probably going to cross-post this at some point, so I'll just apologize for that in advance if this pops up more than once for you.

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