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[27 Apr 2013|01:32am]
Lately I've really been wanting to play some sort of forbidden romance or arranged marriage - or any of the SLs in my journal. Check it and see if something clicks. :)
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x-posted [27 Apr 2013|02:37am]
Hi there everyone. :D
So, hopefully this search will turn up someone, but I'm looking to write a female Sebastian Moran [for the so-far nonexistent character in BBC Sherlock] against a Moriarty, male or female.
Whether we run post-Reichenbach, pre-series, or flesh out all the nonsense they were doing during the series, I'm game for it all.
If you prefer Teenlock or any other AUs, run them by me. :D I'd love to hear any ideas you've got!
Threading or email preferred, but I've got aim if we wanna chat while we do either.
Comment here or n my journal and I'll get back to you asap. I'm in EST, as a heads up, and can be on usually from 3PM or so 'til about 6-7AM. That might vary some days depending on when I wake up/go out, of course. <3
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[27 Apr 2013|09:56am]
Psls please?
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[27 Apr 2013|11:20am]
I've been inspired:

So can you understand?
Why I want a daughter while I'm still young
I wanna hold her hand
And show her some beauty
Before all this damage is done

But if it's too much to ask, it's too much to ask
Then send me a son

I'd love to try a May/December line where I play the younger man. They meet, fall in love, have a baby of their own, happily ever after. Threading only, long-term, probably moving to a community in the future?

You dig: romantic lines, well thought-out characters with complex layers, sweet guys with feminist sensibilities.

Also, a Lana Del Rey, Cola/"I know your wife and she wouldn't mind" situation where two people are having an affair and sort of run away together?
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[27 Apr 2013|01:25pm]
Would anyone be interested in a Hannibal psl?
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[27 Apr 2013|07:06pm]
Anyone up for some Bella/Sirius smutty goodness? Marauder's Era?
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[27 Apr 2013|11:37pm]
I’m seeking someone that's into the Doctor Who fandom and can play either a Tenth Doctor or Ten.5 for a PSL. It could be long term or short. So, if interested just comment below, PM.
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