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[06 Apr 2013|07:50am]
Does anyone pb Dan Feuerriegel or would like to give it a try? You're very much wanted for a slash line in a town/city community.
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[06 Apr 2013|04:35pm]
I would love a good, plot-driven slash line. I enjoy writing out smutty scenes. Threading and original lines, PB only. Some basic ideas are: older/younger, professor/teacher - university - graduate school probably, not high school, boss/employee, faux celebs or faux celeb/normal person, single divorced father with a son trying to get back into dating, etc. I'm open to your ideas, too! Angst and drama are fine, happy/fluffy scenes enjoyed too, nothing really out there/weird. Suggested PBs are: Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, Martin Freeman, Lee Pace, Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Groban, Christoph Waltz, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Andrew Garfield. I prefer 25+ PBs and character ages.
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[06 Apr 2013|05:11pm]

Allison! She's wanted desperately for a GPSL. We're an active group and we've been looking for her for ages. Join now! She's been kidnapped by the Alphas and without a player, she might never make it back to Beacon Hills! We wouldn't want that to happen so fill a Very Much Needed Line and take part in a game that already has Scott, several pack members and her dad plus an array of original characters for her to form bonds with! Please leave a message here or on my contact page if you're interested or would like more information!
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[06 Apr 2013|06:26pm]
I'd love to pick up a few more slash lines, though try me on het. All things plotty and twisty are ♥. Check out themes here and inspiration pictures, quotes, and lyrics here.
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[06 Apr 2013|09:07pm]
Beth Greene, you are very much wanted for a Walking Dead PSL.
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[06 Apr 2013|10:34pm]
Looking for plotty long-term het and femme lines. Check the journal, thanks!
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[ viewing | April 6th, 2013 ]
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