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[28 Nov 2012|05:42am]
Probably a niche audience, but I’d love a League of Legends line for my Lux. Preferably a Garen, serving up some Jaime/Cersei Lannister realness, but I’m also open to Jarvan, Jayce, Ezreal, or Darius (the scandal!) I don’t really have any preference for PBs, and I can do threads, AIM, Skype, GDocs, etc. I’m also the active Lux in the League Twitter community, which is a fun and casual playstyle.

Other League champions I love to play:

♥ F: Diana, Evelynn, Fiora, Leblanc, Miss Fortune, Shyvana, Soraka, Vayne

♥ M: (slash only) Ezreal, Twisted Fate, Vladimir

You can reach me here, on AIM (thedrowsychap), or on Skype (sashay.away)! Thank you!
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[28 Nov 2012|08:54am]
I'd love to work out something long-term and complicated, with a healthy mix of drama, fluff, threads and customs/spam! I'm interesting in playing the male in one of the following pairings: JGL/Zooey Deschanel, Thomas Dekker/Phoebe Tonkin, or Joseph Morgan/Candace Accola. I have a couple of ideas but would appreciate someone willing to brainstorm as well!
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[ viewing | November 28th, 2012 ]
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