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[27 Oct 2012|01:04am]
Looking to get back into PSLs. Click Here to see if you might be interested in anything.
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cross posted sorry! [27 Oct 2012|08:35pm]
So this is my first time playing Sam Winchester after watching the show for a whole week. I'd love a slash or het line for him but just remember I am new to the fan base. I just think the show is amazing so far and would like to have a few lines with him. I'd love slash or het if anyone is interested.
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[27 Oct 2012|10:11pm]
I'm really, really in the mood to write. I have a variety of girls for het psls. It could be just tonight or more long-term, it don't matter. Please!
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crossposted to fandom_psls and slashsls~ [27 Oct 2012|10:58pm]
This is such a longshot, no one is even going to care. xD
I am dying for a World of Warcraft rp with trolls.
Not strictly trolls, but I'd like at least one to be involved. xD Whether it's fluffy, dramatic, dark, just something trolly!
I'd be open to something cross-faction definitely so long as we figure something out before-hand as to how they're going to communicate. In such an instance, I've found the lack of communication can make things die, but that may have just been my partner and I~ xD

I'm looking for mainly slash, but depending on the race of the other party [no matter who's playing it, though my first thought was two male trolls] I could go with het. :3

So feel free to comment here or hit me up on AIM; trollishly
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[ viewing | October 27th, 2012 ]
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