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[30 Apr 2012|01:56am]
does anyone pb ed westwick?
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[30 Apr 2012|02:29am]
i'd love a psl with an eddie redmayne pb. i usually play females but it doesn't have to be romantic. i'm leaning toward something dramatic and i write via threading.
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[30 Apr 2012|07:20am]
would anyone play zac efron, darren criss, chris colfer, or another disney/gleek/anyone against joe jonas?
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[30 Apr 2012|09:32am]
does anyone play marilyn manson and would be willing to slash him? or play a goth male model against someone i have in mind?
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[30 Apr 2012|12:47pm]
I'm looking for some glee PSLs or group psls! I have a ton of plot ideas based on whomever you choose!

I'd REALLY love a Rachel, Sam or Mercedes to pair with my Artie, but I'll take ANY Glee character!!
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[30 Apr 2012|04:37pm]
Okay, so I've been dying to play this face (in icon, but not the character) for months now in a role that'd be equally believable and dynamic. I would love something inspired by Pretty Little Liars; a group of friends whose best friend was murdered and they keep receiving anonymous text messages that revolve around threats and exposing dark secrets. That's off the top of my head, but I'm down for anything that involves thriller elements.
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Harry Potter OC [x-posted] [30 Apr 2012|07:53pm]
I'm craving a line with my male Harry Potter OC. Check the journal for some basic info about him. I would prefer to play against other Potterverse OC's, but I wouldn't mind a minor canon. Reply here or at my journal if you're interested. Thanks!
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[30 Apr 2012|10:29pm]
psl anyone?
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[ viewing | April 30th, 2012 ]
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