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[28 Apr 2012|03:37am]
I'm looking to play Holland Roden against a Colten Haynes. Celeb, PB, Teen Wolf Fandom, are all good with me. For a celeb line, I'd like there to be some heavy flirting going on between the two off set as well as having great chemistry on set. This can also apply to my idea to have then be famous pron stars. The two being a fan favorite. Though I'm looking for more then just smut. Threading only please.
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[28 Apr 2012|12:20pm]
would anyone be up for a pb or celeb line against kristen stewart? not picky who i play against and if it's pb, i have a ton of ideas. i'm mainly looking for a writing partner who likes to constantly have a scene going and customs/ims are a plus.
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[28 Apr 2012|12:30pm]
I'm looking for someone to fill the role of B in a different sort of slash line, here. Hit me up and let's work something out.
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x posted all over [28 Apr 2012|04:12pm]
psl/home for anyone in my journal. open to anything... comments will be screened!
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Looking for Blaine or Darren [28 Apr 2012|11:38pm]
Looking for a Blaine Anderson or a Darren Criss (PB) to play against my Kurt or Chris Colfer (PB).

Lines can be found here.

Sorry this is crossposted
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[ viewing | April 28th, 2012 ]
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